Right Tool for the Right Application

Hydraulic hammers are one of the most popular attachments used on mini excavators and skid steer loaders. The majority of hammers are sold with a flat chisel tool as standard. Depending on the materials being broken, chisels are not necessarily the best tool for the job.
Chisel tools are designed for use on reinforced concrete and materials allowing a low penetration rate.
Moil points are designed for use on demolition jobs where material is loose or can be easily separated, such as brick walls, or loose rocks in tunnelling jobs.
Pyramidal tools are designed for non-abrasive materials of all strengths. Pyramidal tools make short work of non-abrasive materials that allow a high penetration rate, such concrete.
Chisel tools will work for concrete, but for optimal performance a Pyramidal tool will perform more superiorly and with greater efficiency.